If you’ve been reading this blog at all over the past 18 months you’ve probably heard that we’re a huge fan of the word relationships. “Compassion ministries” isn’t something we do to people; it’s something we do with people. When we talk about ministering to the poor, the vulnerable, or the marginalized the best scenario is to develop genuine friendships of mutual respect.
That’s why I loved this chart that a Church of the Resurrection attender sent our way. You’ll notice that this chart describes what the journey of mutual relationships looks like as we walk with persons with disabilities. But notice how the five stages apply to almost any area of ministry:
Stage 1: Ignorance
Stage 2: Pity
Stage 3: Care
Stage 4: Friendship
Stage 5: Co-laborers
Read over the descriptions for each stage and then ask yourself a few questions:
- Where am I in this journey of displaying Christ-like compassion? (Honestly, for many of us it may be easy to get stuck at Stage 2).
- Where do you think we are as a church family?
- What is one thing you (or your family or your pastorate or group of friends) can do this year to move towards or all the way into Stage 5. Seriously, think of one thing because one thing may not seem like you’re changing the world, but one thing is better than no-thing.