
From its earliest days, the Christian movement was concerned not just about its own members. Instead, the followers of Jesus were commanded to bear witness to Jesus in tangible ways, from their own backyards to the farthest reaches of the earth (Acts 1:8). For us, local and global outreach is not “extra credit” Christianity; rather, this outreach is the heart of our faith. Sharing the Good News of God might be done with words, deeds, or simply our presence—or even a combination of all three! God invites us to partner with him in his mission to restore the brokenness of our world, and he accomplishes it by the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through us.

Local Missions

Our ministries to the poor and marginalized of our community are rooted in our desire to walk with them rather than do projects for them.  We believe in the dignity of every human being and we seek to love, protect and empower the vulnerable.

Global Missions

We want to send people to and support projects where the Church is not visible or viable, including areas where there is little to no access to the good news of Jesus, and places where the Church is under attack.

Hover over an icon to see our partners:

Tillie Tiller – Chad

Tillie pioneers work with unreached people groups in Chad. She helps bring in short-term medical and dental teams, English teaching teams, and computer and sports programs. She also trains new missionaries to the region.

Multiple partners active in this region. Names withheld for security.


Thellman Family – Croatia

Greg, Lidija and their five children serve in Croatia. Greg teaches at a seminary and the family all assist with discipling at a youth center in their city.

Whitaker Family – Cambodia

Fr. Gregory and Dr. Heidi Whitaker live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Fr. Gregory is rector of the English-speaking congregation at Church of Christ our Peace in the Anglican Diocese of Singapore. Dr. Heidi is a pediatrician and assists Cambodian physicians, and she also helps train future medical doctors. They have five children.

Brad & Maria Festen Family – Central African Republic

Brad and Maria Festen work with Wycliffe Bible Translators and TeachBeyond. Brad is helping to complete a translation of the New Testament in the Mpyemo language of the Central African Republic. Maria’s work in personnel is helping TeachBeyond promote transformational education in 60 different countries. They currently live in Wheaton.

Recife, Brazil

Diocesan Partner

Jos, Nigeria

Diocesan Partner


Diocesan Partner

At Church of the Resurrection there are three primary ways we encourage you to respond to Global Missions: Pray, Support, and Go.


Prayer is at the heart of sharing Jesus’ love with people of all nations. When we pray, we partner with the Lord in fueling the work of missions.

Pray Each Day

Pray together with other Christians for a specific country each day at Operation World

Prayer lists

Watch a 3-minute video to pray for a specific country or religion at Prayercast.


Missionary Housing

Help provide short-term housing for visiting missionaries. Sign up here to indicate interest and connect with our missions manager.

Good Friday Gift

Since 2002, Resurrection has collected a special yearly offering during the season of Lent as a response to God’s sacrificial love for us in Christ. This gift to one of our global mission partners serves to embody the love of Jesus and further his mission around the world.


Explore Missions Questionnaire

The process of deciding to go overseas as a missionary is long one, and can be confusing. If you are a part of the Resurrection family and considering vocational missions, we want to partner with you in your discernment process. To get started, complete the online questionnaire and a missions staff member will follow up with you! 

Global Missions Pathway

The process of being sent as a missionary from Church of the Resurrection from beginning to end.