Receive Prayer + Care

Our heart is to make tangible the transformation available to all of us in Jesus and his Church by inviting you to receive prayer, pastoral counsel, and connection to the many practical resources the church has to offer.
Meghan Robins
Pastoral Care Pastor
Deacon Val McIntyre
Spiritual Formation Pastor

Healing Prayer

We encourage you to receive prayer from a trained prayer minister on a Sunday morning.

Extra Info

If you are not a member or regular attender, we encourage you to look over our Resource Assistance document, which lays out the many resources available in Dupage County.

Need Help?

If you are a member or regular attender and in a season of difficulty, we invite you to reach out so that we can discern how the Church can best walk alongside you.

Talk to a Pastor

If you have a pastoral concern or a spiritual matter that you would like to discuss with one of our pastoral leaders, please let us know by using the form below.


If you’re newly engaged  and looking for support, we are eager to support you in preparing for the sacred and serious work of building a healthy marriage. 

Fill out this application to step into our premarital process.


Whether you’re newly engaged or married and looking for support, we are eager to support you in the sacred and serious work of building a healthy marriage. 

Fill out this application to step into our premarital process.

Fill out this form to get connected to a pastor or marriage mentors.

Couples' Classes

We offer regular courses in the fall and winter for couples. In the Fall, join us for a six-week course focused on building a joyful marriage. In the winter, all couples are invited to learn better communication and conflict resolution in our Couples Class.


A baby is a reason to rejoice! We would like to bless you by providing some meals for you when the baby comes.


Sign up to receive meals and a baby blessing after your little one is born!

Experiencing a crisis pregnancy?

You are not alone. We want to walk alongside you! Our team member, Heather Johnson, is ready to talk to you and get you connected.

To get started, text/call Heather Johnson at (630) 251-9185 or email

We partner with Avenue Women’s Center to provide free pregnancy services and consultation. 

Healing Courses

We offer a regular rotation of courses throughout the year that invite you to step more fully into your transforming  journey with Jesus.

With God Classes

Resurrection is pleased to host classes based on the Connexus curriculum, a program developed by Life Model Works. Each class is based on brain science that provides an understanding of how our past may impact our present, and help retrain the brain to experience joy, increase relational capacity, and navigate intense emotions as we draw close to the Lord. 

The classes all include the following:

Part 1
Part 3
Connecting With God or Hearing From God
Belonging With God and Others


Register for our Connecting with God Class: Thursdays, 7-9pm, 9/5-11/21

Our heart is to make tangible the transformation available to all of us in Jesus and his Church by inviting you to receive prayer, pastoral counsel, and connection to the many practical resources the church has to offer.


If you are not a member or regular attender, we encourage you to look over our Resource Assistance document, which lays out the many resources available in Dupage County.