Sunday Morning
Preschool – 2s&3s
Genesis 1 – 2:3
Ponder Point: God Made Our World
God made our world in six days. He created something extraordinary out of nothing. He made the heavens and the earth, the sky, the water, land and plants, the sun, moon and stars, the fish and birds, and the animals and people. God made all of this for us to take care of. On the seventh day, God was finished creating our world and He rested.
Preschool – 4s&5s, Kindergarten
Starting this Sunday, our 4s&5s and Kindergarteners will begin a new format for worship called “Young Children and Worship.” Young Children and Worship is a worship experience enabling children to listen and respond to the Holy Spirit in a unique way. Together, children and adults encounter the wonder and mystery of God through a mulit-sensory storytelling format, liturgical worship, and individual response time.