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Church of the Resurrection theologians, writers, and artists have created this stunning comprehensive to help you engage the ancient Christian pilgrimage of Holy Week. We invite you to meet Jesus along his road to death and resurrection as you learn about the history of the services and pray through the devotions.
The Holy Week journey is the peak of our year together. Learn more about our Holy Week services
© 2018 Church of the Resurrection. All rights reserved.
Editor: Meghan Robins • Assistant Editor: Ellen Richard • Design: Alan Miller • Illustrations: Brittney Dunn • Introduction: Canon Dr. Stephen Gauthier and Dr. Barbara Gauthier • Writers: Meghan Robins, Ellen Richard, Sarah Graham • Copyediting: Anna Robbins, Ellen Richard • Production: Bethany McLellan • Photos: Michael Johnson, Ryn Manby • Resurrection History: Bp. Stewart Ruch III • Resurrected Christ: Laura Tabbut, Janice Wood, and Ray Wu, 2011