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The church is made up of human beings, and human beings sin. We hurt each other, make mistakes, and break relationships. But we do not believe that division, conflict, and hurt have the last word—we know that they do not, because we have been blessed to experienced the beauty of reconciliation through the power of the Holy Spirit.
In our history, Resurrection experienced division, like many churches. Longtime ministry partners and friends rejected one another, and we thought we would never speak to each other again. But the Lord convicted our hearts, and did the unthinkable: he healed our relationships and ushered us into a season of ministry more fruitful than we could have ever dreamed.
The video above catalogues the story of three leaders: myself, Bishop Stewart Ruch; our Pastoral Care Pastor, Deacon Val McIntyre; and our Chicago Dean and former head pastor, Canon William Beasley. We were invited to share our story through the Center for Applied Christian Ethics (CACE) at Wheaton College.
As leaders, we do not shy away from telling these stories, even though they expose our own serious shortcomings. These stories are priceless jewels in the treasure room of Resurrection’s history, because they speak to the existence of forgiveness, humility, and peace in Jesus Christ. Praise God for his faithfulness to Church of the Resurrection!