Gentle pressure
on my chest. His head
on my heart.
Still, I feel
baby breath rapid
on my stomach
rise and fall.
My arms encircle
warmth, holding close.
Hands cradle
tiny feet.
I rest
content. A woman
held God
like this.
by Helen Wieger, 2015
Painting above by Janice Skivington Wood, 2019
Helen Wieger enjoys creative writing and has been nurturing a group of creatives for the last several years. She leans toward penning poetry and creative prose.
Try your hand at devotional poetry writing at the RezArts Festival Workshop Night, Weds, January 11, 6:30-8:30pm. Learn from Rez poets Andrew Backer and Helen Wieger how to enrich your devotional life. Discover “artes divinae,” creating with the Lord. Learn more here.
Note: This poem is not an official submission to the RezArts Festival, but intends to encourage the sharing of creative works with the Body of Christ.