Adult Audition Form

At this audition we want to see how you move and speak, how you work collaboratively, and we want you to have fun with us! So we are setting up the audition with these things in mind. Please do come prepared as it will keep things chugging along, but please also come knowing we are so delighted to have you join us, and will do our best to find a place for all who wish to participate.

We will start with a group activity, asking you in a small group to craft a creative way to present a passage of scripture that we will give out at the audition.

Very UncomfortableUncomfortableNeutralComfortableVery Comfortable
Speaking alone on stage
Speaking with a group on stage
Physical movement and improv
Completing memorization by a given deadline
AvailableNot Available
April 3
April 8
April 9
April 12
April 16
Please note these dates are mandatory, your honesty about your schedule is appreciated!
AvailableNot Availabile