Our theme for Advent in 2014 was all about doors, specifically how “hope opens the door.” As Christians, it is our hope in the risen Christ that allows us to open the door of our hearts afresh to him and to others (especially to the poor and those who don’t know Christ) during Advent.
This Advent devotional was designed to help you think and pray about the how God is calling you to open the doors of your life. Each week there is a devotional based on the Gospel reading for each Sunday in Advent. Since we are also opening the door of our hearts to others, each week’s devotion also has a story of a refugee family from our own community.
We partnered with World Relief to provide Good Neighbor Kits to new refugee families in our community last year. We also established a Good Neighbor Team to walk with these refugee families after they arrive. Visit
churchrez.org/good-neighbor for details.
Advent Devotional
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