Advent gift 2024
Loving Our Baby Bank Families with Prayer and Practical Help
Every year during Advent, Church of the Resurrection gives to a local ministry partner. For this year’s gift, we are blessing our Baby Bank through prayer and practical support. We invite you to commit to sponsor one of these families in two ways: (1) pray regularly for a specific family, and (2) contribute diapers and other supplies.
The Baby Bank Story
“Behold, children are a gift of the LORD” (Psalm 127:3)
In 2020, Resurrection opened the Baby Bank in partnership with Caring Network to help women in crisis pregnancies and struggling young families during the pandemic. Today our volunteers serve more than 50 families every other Thursday evening. They come from at least 21 (and counting) nations and various religious backgrounds, such as Hindu, Muslim, Christian, and atheist.
The Baby Bank’s goal is to provide for the immediate needs of these families and be a place of genuine friendship and connection. Prayer is at the heart of this ministry. We pray that each person who visits the Baby Bank would experience the love of Jesus and come to have a relationship with Him.

Meet a few of our Baby Bank families:

A father from Afghanistan who is a former translator for the US Military. He chats with volunteers on each visit.
A Christian family from Venezuela. Both parents work on Thursday evenings, so our volunteers meet them at the Baby Bank on another day.

A Spanish-speaking American family. They studied the Bible with our volunteers. We gifted the father with a nice study Bible. They subsequently joined a good church where he was confirmed.
Bless a Local Family this Advent
Would you partner with us by donating baby supplies and praying for one of these families?
We encourage households and families (including kids), RezGroups, and individuals at Resurrection to commit to praying for a specific Baby Bank family throughout Advent and 2025. Pick an ornament from the Giving Tree near the Advent Gift table in the narthex. Each ornament includes how to pray for a family and donate supplies.
How to Give:
Order Online:
Ship supplies to
“Operation Baby Bank”
Church of the Resurrection
935 W. Union Ave.
Wheaton, IL 60187.
Drop off:
Drop off supplies in the East Vestibule (Door #15), Monday to Thursday 9-5pm, and Friday 9-1pm.
See a list of needed supplies:
Important note: The Baby Bank is not accepting any baby clothes or used items. (Please consider dropping these items off at a nonprofit donation center such as World Relief’s Repeat Boutique in Carol Stream.)
Contribute to our Advent Gift through January 5.
Questions? Email
A Story
“You guys are like our family”
Peter and Annie moved to Chicagoland after a devastating loss, hoping for a fresh start. But life was hard here. They were jobless and nearly homeless with their young children when Caring Network referred them to our Baby Bank.
Annie came in for baby supplies, while Peter would wait in the car every other Thursday. When Heather Johnson invited Annie to pray together, she readily agreed. Heather, Ellen, and Annie sat on the warehouse floor and prayed together. The women have been texting each other kids’ health tips and words of encouragement.
When Fr. Matt first met Peter, he wouldn’t shake hands. But now, Peter comes in to chat too. Sometimes they even bring chicken and rice or pizza. They’re always receptive to prayer. When Peter found a job, they all celebrated and rejoiced together. “You guys are like our family,” they said.