The Color(s) of Hope

By Francesca Tso

I may not be a paintbrush painter but I am continually humbled and challenged to color with words. Colors are a daily part of life. We teach children the names of colors from a young age. We judge objects as well as people based on what color they are. We do or don’t eat food because of its color. We use color as a way to distinguish a specific thing or person from another. Color is one of the most tangible abstract concepts, just look at an orange.

Abstract concepts like hope, love, and grace are difficult to understand until you have something tangible in front of you to represent that concept. So what if you think about those things in color? What colors spring to mind when you think about community or beauty or joy? Don’t over-analyze it, just take them as they are. Now how do you let those colors color your world, your vision, your actions? What are the color(s) of hope for you?

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