
A Year With The Saints: All Saints Day and the Church Calendar
- October 30, 2024 8:03 pm·
By Caleb Karnosh Every summer my wife and I descend to a lake house in Indiana for a week of relaxation with her extended family. The week is often filled…

Jesus is the Sacrifice We Eat: The role of the Eucharist
- October 16, 2024 8:40 pm·
I grew up attending church at the behest of my Mom. But as a secretly agnostic child, I always thought Communion was a chance to receive a little snack of…

Ephesians: Growing Up in Every Way into Jesus
- September 5, 2024 10:55 am·
Before I launched into the Interim Dean role at Rez, I asked two trusted mentors what we should preach on this fall. They gave the same answer—preach through the New…

A New Archbishop & Provincial Gatherings
- June 25, 2024 10:47 am·
Dear Resurrection Family, Our congregation has been praying weekly on Sundays for the election of the ACNA’s next archbishop. So, I’m glad to share with you Bp. Stewart’s video introducing…

The Lectionary: What is it and why do we use it?
- May 29, 2024 4:58 pm·
|By Blake Adams| A lectionary, from the Latin for “a reading,” is a liturgical handbook which prescribes certain biblical passages to be read (and preached from) on certain days. You…

Todd Atkinson Sentenced by College of Bishops
- May 20, 2024 9:39 pm·
Please note that the following content refers to abuse of ecclesiastical power. Dear Resurrection Family, Earlier today the Standing Committee of our diocese sent a letter regarding Todd Atkinson, former…