
First Step Class for Newcomers

New to Rez? Come to First Step, a two-part introduction for newcomers, designed to help you connect with leaders, hear more of Resurrection’s story and values, and get to know other new folks. Join us on Sunday, January 21 and 28, during the 10:30 service, upstairs in the office hospitality area. No sign-up necessary!

What Does It Really Mean to Be Pro-Life?

In light of today’s political climate, the Church needs creative, loving, biblically-rooted ways to think through and live out our pro-life convictions. Learn from four stellar speakers from different perspectives–a church-based ministry to struggling parents, a college student advocacy group, a government policy analyst, and a pastor from urban Chicago. Followed by a Q&A session […]

Get Involved with Light and Lessons

Light and Lessons in Holy Week is a great opportunity to use your creative gifts in the church. Here are ways to participate: 1. Audition to be part of the acting troupe. Auditions will be held on Sunday, January 28: Children’s auditions for grades 1-6 will be held 1-3 pm. Sign up here. Adult auditions […]