6th Grade Welcome Night

Sanctuary 935 W Union Ave, Wheaton, IL

RezYouth is hosting a special 6th Grade Welcome Night to introduce incoming sixth graders to our Wednesday night program. Parents are invited to join their child as we walk through a typical RezYouth Midweek gathering of worship, teaching, and small groups. Students can meet their small group leaders and parents can hear about the vision […]

Advent Soup for the Soul

Join Deacon Margie Fawcett for a virtual soup-making evening. If we can't enjoy a meal together, let's enjoy preparing one together on Zoom. Grab your stock pot and buy a chicken. We’ll cook a simple soup that you and your household can enjoy. All participants can join the chat during our shared culinary adventure. We’ll […]

The Bible and Migration

What does the Bible say about migration? Join us for a special "zoominar" with Dr. Daniel Carroll, author of the new book, The Bible and Borders: Hearing God’s Word on Immigration (Brazos, 2020). Dr. Carroll attends Rez and is Professor of Biblical Studies and Pedagogy at Wheaton College and Grad School. Migration is central to […]

Christmas Breakfast video premier

Because we care deeply about frivolity and tomfoolery in our congregation, we are not letting COVID—or the Grinch—steal this significant annual church event. Please prepare for our Christmas Breakfast video world premier on Saturday, December 19, from 10-10:15 am. Here’s how you and your bubble can prepare for and contribute to the fun: Start frolicking NOW! Send us your […]