Palm Sunday

Services at 8:30am and 11am. Livestream: 11 am only. Take part in a celebratory outdoor procession that mirrors Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Enjoy a Gospel reading that foretells coming events. Please plan to arrive early and dress for the weather. Children’s worship available for ages 0–5th grade. Parents, please check children into RezKids before the […]

Maundy Thursday

Join us at 7pm as we follow Jesus and his disciples the night before he was crucified and remember him through Communion and footwashing. Childcare available for ages 0-5. Livestream available. Learn more about all our Holy Week services here.  

Good Friday

Confessions: 11am-12pm Meet with a pastoral leader who will lead you through a brief liturgy. Anyone is welcome, including children. Upstairs offices. No sign-up required. Stations of the Cross: 12pm & 1:30pm No livestream. Reflect on the last hours of Christ’s life through song and prayer as we travel to stations in our building and […]

Great Vigil of Easter

Light and Lessons services: 2pm & 7pm (sanctuary) Our journey begins in candlelight as the ancient Exultet chant ushers us into the Old Testament story of salvation history, presented through theater and music. Childcare available for ages 0-5 at 2pm only. Livestream: 7pm only. Prayer Walk: 9:45-11pm At 9:45pm, following the Light and Lessons 7pm […]

Easter Sunday

Services at 6am & 10am Encounter Jesus at our joyful celebration of his resurrection! A continuation of the Vigil services begun the day before, our Easter morning services have identical liturgies. They include: the Acclamation that “Christ is Risen!”, the Holy Noise, baptisms, and the first Communion of Easter. Bring your own Easter bells to ring! Children’s […]

THRIVE Parent Support Group

Parents of families impacted by disability are invited to our THRIVE support group on Sunday, April 7. Join us after the 2nd service upstairs in the Acts 1 conference room. Questions? Contact Jeff Chan:

Immanuel Lifestyle Class

Join us for this six-week class offering training for those who want to increase their ability to recognize and experience God's presence, grow in intimacy with Him, deepen and mature […]

Harbor “Savor the Flavor:” Dips & Game Night

Harbor, a Rez ministry for 20s & 30s, is hosting a Dips & Game Night on Friday, April 12 at 7pm. Bring a savory or sweet dip, sauce, or salsa and snacks for dipping. Try your friends concoctions and savor the flavors! We will also play an assortment of games. Bring a sweet of savory […]

Ordination Sunday

Join us this Sunday for several ordinations. Pastoral Care Pastor Meghan Robins will be ordained to the diaconate at the 8:30am service. Then Dcn. Will Chester, Youth & College Pastor, will be ordained to the priesthood at the 10:30am service. Celebrate with us over cookies and coffee after the 10:30 service in RezCafe. Learn more […]

Ministering in His Name, Enjoying the Beauty of Holiness

Join us for Scripture study, particularly Acts 3, waiting on the Lord, and seeking him for prophetic refreshment and strengthening with Fr. Howard Espie. Tuesday, April 16, 7pm, in the sanctuary Fr. Howard Espie lives on the west coast of Scotland, on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula, with his wife, Charlotte, and their two young sons. They […]

Rooted in Scripture

Psalm 1 depicts those who delight in God’s law as a tree planted by the stream, never withering, always fruitful. Grow in the knowledge and love of God through in depth study of the Scriptures and instruction in the Christian life. Starting April 21, our own Drs. Andy Abernethy and Deacon John Clark will teach […]

First Step

New to Rez? Come to First Step, a two-part introduction for newcomers, designed to help you connect with leaders, hear more of Resurrection’s story and values, and get to know other new folks. Join us on Sundays, April 21 and 28, during the 10:30 service, upstairs in the office hospitality area. No sign-up necessary!