Replanted Support Group Meeting

Replanted, a national ministry to adoptive or foster care families, is meeting this Friday, October 18, 6-8pm, at Church of the Resurrection. Dinner, small groups, and childcare provided. If you’re looking for support and fellowship, please join! Questions? Email Lis Clements of Replanted at Learn more here.

God and Country: How Should Christians Think about and Engage in Politics

In the midst of another contentious presidential election season, many Christians are confused about how to engage politically. Should Christians care about politics? If so, how should we be involved? Does the Bible and the Church provide any guidance?  We'll explore all these questions with Dr. Bryan McGraw, professor of politics at Wheaton College. Oct. […]

Come to Revive!

Come to Revive! Enjoy worship, fellowship, and teaching with others from our diocesan churches on Friday, Oct 25, 7-9pm, and Saturday, Oct 26, 8am-3pm, at Resurrection. Not sure what Revive is? Watch Bishop Stewart's invitation to Revive here. Learn more and register here.

God and Country: How Should Christians Think about and Engage in Politics – Copy

In the midst of another contentious presidential election season, many Christians are confused about how to engage politically. Should Christians care about politics? If so, how should we be involved? Does the Bible and the Church provide any guidance?  We'll explore all these questions with Dr. Bryan McGraw, professor of politics at Wheaton College. Oct. […]

THRIVE Parent Support Group

Parents and caregivers of families impacted by disability are invited to our THRIVE support group on Sunday, Oct 27. Join us after the 2nd service upstairs in the Acts 1 conference room. Questions? Contact Jeff Chan:

Sunday Afternoon Prayer Appointments – Copy

Join two trained prayer ministers for a one-hour prayer appointment to seek deeper healing with the Lord. These appointments are available on the last Sunday of the month. Sign up here. Questions? Email Coordinator

RezArtists Meeting

Find inspiration, encouragement, and fellowship among other creatives at the RezArtists Meeting on Sunday, October 27, 4-6pm. Ages 18 and older. Bring your creative work to share: songs, poems, performances, […]

God and Country: How Should Christians Think about and Engage in Politics

In the midst of another contentious presidential election season, many Christians are confused about how to engage politically. Should Christians care about politics? If so, how should we be involved? Does the Bible and the Church provide any guidance?  We'll explore all these questions with Dr. Bryan McGraw, professor of politics at Wheaton College. Nov. […]

College Dinner

All college-age students welcome! Join us at Fr. Will and Ema's house for dinner, conversation, and a cozy fire on Sunday, Nov 3, 5-7pm. Find the address and sign up here.

Lessons and Carols

Prepare your hearts for Christmas with a service of beautiful choral music and special Advent readings. This 90 minute service will feature our choirs and orchestra in the narthex. Two services on Sunday, December 15, at 4pm and 7pm. No livestream. All ages welcome.

Harbor Friendsgiving Potluck

Harbor, a Rez ministry for 20s & 30s, is hosting a Friendsgiving Potluck on Saturday, Nov 16 at 6pm. Sign up here to bring a dish and join us for a feast and post-dinner games! Address: 33W726 Army Trail Road, Wayne IL (Iseman's Home) Arrive at 6. Dinner will begin around 6:30 with games to […]

THRIVE Parent Support Group

Parents and caregivers of families impacted by disability are invited to our THRIVE support group on Sunday, Nov 17. Join us after the 2nd service upstairs in the Acts 1 conference room. Questions? Contact Jeff Chan: