Annual RezBusiness Meeting

Come to the annual church business meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 6:30-8pm. You'll hear testimonies from our new vestry candidates and learn about the new church budget. Members will approve the new vestry candidates. Location: Sanctuary. Learn more here.


Board Game Night

Enjoy playing board games? Want to meet more folks at Rez? Join us on the 4th Fridays of the month, 6-9pm. All are welcome to this family-friendly event. Bring your own snacks. Location: upstairs, St. Gregory Room. Questions? Contact

Picnic to Celebrate Dean Steve

Celebrate Dean Steve! Join us for a potluck picnic on June 30, 12:30-2:30pm. We'll celebrate Fr. Steve's leadership as our dean for the past four years. Resurrection will provide the main course and dessert, and you bring the sides. Please bring a picnic blanket or chairs.

Contribute to the RezArts Water Theme Exhibit

We are now accepting submissions of original poetry or artwork for the upcoming RezArts Gallery Water Theme Exhibit. Online submission deadline: Sunday, July 13.  Water, like fire, can bring both life and death. We drink water, bathe in water, and nurture gardens with water. We need water to live, but we cannot live in water. […]

Taste of Alpha

Have you wondered what a typical Alpha experience is like? Have you thought about inviting a friend but had no idea what you would be inviting them to? Join us on Sunday, July 21, in the St. Timothy room at 12:30pm and experience for yourself a Taste of Alpha. Lunch included. Duration 90 minutes. Please […]

RezArtists Meeting

Find inspiration, encouragement, and fellowship among other creatives at the RezArts Meeting on Sunday, July 21, 4-6pm. Ages 18 and older. Bring your creative work to share: songs, poems, performances, or visual works. Feel free to invite a fellow artist. Location: Janice Wood's home, 811 Grove Avenue, West Chicago Questions? Email Janice Wood at


Board Game Night

Enjoy playing board games? Want to meet more folks at Rez? Join us on the 4th Fridays of the month, 6-9pm. All are welcome to this family-friendly event. Bring your own snacks. Location: upstairs, St. Gregory Room. Questions? Contact

Bow/Tie Sunday

On this special feast day with deep, historic roots at Resurrection, we invite everyone to sport bows, ties, and bowties to mark Bow/Tie Sunday, on July 28. Join the merriment!


Board Game Night

Enjoy playing board games? Want to meet more folks at Rez? Join us on the 4th Fridays of the month, 6-9pm. All are welcome to this family-friendly event. Bring your own snacks. Location: upstairs, St. Gregory Room. Questions? Contact

Fr. Steve’s Live Worship Album Recording

Thank you for blessing Fr. Steve by supporting his Kickstarter as he transitioned out of his role as Dean. Sign up to attend his live recording worship event in Oak Park on Saturday, Aug 24, at 3pm and/or 7pm here. Because this is a live recording, the space will need to be very sound-controlled. Unfortunately […]

Global Partner Commissioning Lunch

Join us on Sunday, Aug 25, for the commissioning of our new global partner. Attend a light lunch and info session with her and AFM Director Fr. Chris Royer, from 12:15 to 1:30pm, upstairs in the St. Timothy room. Sign up here to help us plan for enough food.

RezArtists Meeting

Find inspiration, encouragement, and fellowship among other creatives at the RezArtists Meeting on Sunday, August 25, 4-6pm. Ages 18 and older. Bring your creative work to share: songs, poems, performances, or visual works. Feel free to invite a fellow artist. Location: Janice Wood's home, 811 Grove Avenue, West Chicago Questions? Email Janice Wood at


Join us in fasting and praying for fall and the beginning of this ministry year. Fast for a meal or two as you're able on Wednesday, Aug 28. Then, come for a time of corporate prayer in the sanctuary at 6:30pm.