Men’s Retreat

The men’s retreat is a time for building friendship with other men and growing in our walk as disciples of Jesus. This year’s theme is the "Man, the Moment, the […]

Refugees & Rez: A biblical response to a global crisis

Gain a biblical perspective on migration from Professor Daniel Caroll of Wheaton College. Learn about the global refugee crisis from Damon Schroeder, World Relief Director for US Integral Mission & Mobilization. Snacks provided.  And mark your calendar for: World Relief Volunteer Training for Rez:  Sunday afternoon, October 24, 12-2pm,  light lunch included. Participate in a volunteer […]

World Relief Volunteer Training at Rez

World Relief Volunteer Training for Rez:  Sunday, October 24, 12-2pm.  Participate in a special volunteer training session for Rez led by Rachel Wassink, World Relief Volunteer Mobilization Manager for Chicagoland. Light lunch included. Planning to come? Please take these two steps first:  Step 1. Sign up here. Step 2. Fill out the online application form […]

RezCollege Dinner

College age students are invited to the Chesters for dinner on Sunday, November 7, 5-7pm. Come meet other students and older adults from the church. At 6:30pm, we'll pray Compline and Deacon Will will share how you can incorporate this "nighty night prayer" into your dorm or apartment routine. Sign up here.

Aviva Mexican Dinner

Tacos, tortas, enchiladas...yum! Our Latino friends from Aviva Wheaton, one of our diocesan sister churches, have invited us to a homecooked Mexican dinner celebration with games, music, and a raffle, on Saturday, November 20, 5-8pm in RezCafe. The cost is $10 a meal for each person. RSVP and purchase your meal(s) by Friday, November 19 here.  Please note […]

Thanksgiving Eucharist Service

You're invited to our Thanksgiving Eucharist service on Thursday, Nov. 25, 11am, in the All Saints prayer chapel, led by Canon Stephen and Barbara Gauthier.

Christmas Breakfast

RSVPs for our Annual Christmas Breakfast are now open! Join us on December 4, 9-11am to celebrate our volunteers in a morning of food, merriment and tomfoolery. The breakfast hour from 9-10 am will be a mask-optional. If you’re uncomfortable sharing a meal, then join us for the skit and program in the sanctuary, 10-11am.  Please […]

RezCollege Christmas Dinner

College age students are invited to a Christmas dinner on Sunday, December 5, 5-7pm. Come meet other students and older adults from the church and celebrate the Christmas season with us. Hosted by Kevin & Sarah Graham, 182 Bryant Ave., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137.  Sign up here. 

Lessons & Carols

Lessons & Carols is a special service of beautiful choral music and Advent scripture readings. Join us on Sunday, December 12 at 4pm in the sanctuary. Watch on livestream here.  Childcare is not available, but the Parent Worship Room will be open. COVID-19 Protocol Reminder: Masks are required in in the back-sections of the sanctuary; […]

Prayer & Worship Night

Anyone is invited to join us for an informal gathering of prayer and worship in our sanctuary on Thursday, December 16,  7-8:30pm. We will spend time in sung worship; intercede for the Church, the world, and our community; and pray over anyone who would like to receive prayer.

Christmas Eve 4pm

Celebrate the light of the world at our 4pm service with carols, candle lighting, and communion in our main sanctuary or on livestream. Invite your friends and family to this merry occasion. Together we’ll adore the newborn child and Savior. A joyful service suited for all ages. Young children are invited to come dressed as nativity characters. (No children's ministry or childcare […]

Christmas Day

Share the joy of Christmas morning with us! We will rejoice in the birth of our Savior with a full liturgical service at 11am including music, communion, Scripture, and a homily. No livestream. (No children’s ministry or childcare.) COVID-19 Protocols: In the sanctuary, masks are required in the back risers for ages 3 and up. Masks […]

RezArts Festival Workshop Night

Jumpstart your creative process in the new year! Try a workshop in creative writing, visual arts, or worship songwriting on Weds., Jan. 5, 6:30-8pm. Learn more and RSVP by Sunday, Jan. 2 here.

March for Life Chicago

Join us in the annual March for Life in downtown Chicago on Saturday, January 8. Buses will depart from the church at 11:30am and return by 5pm. Reserve your spot(s) here.

Easter Light & Lessons Auditions

Help tell the stories of salvation history via drama and movement at our Easter Light & Lessons service. Auditions are Sunday, Jan. 9, 1-3pm for high schoolers, college students, and adults. Please complete an audition form by Jan. 7 here. Children in grades 1-8 can participate but do not need to audition. Please complete a participation form (one per child) by Jan. […]


Join us as we pray for the Lord's leading in this new year on Wednesday, January 12, 6:30-8pm in our sanctuary.

Adult Confirmation Class

Are you interested in joining Resurrection? Sign up for adult confirmation class! If you want to become a member, be baptized or renew your baptismal vows, or just learn about […]


Immanuel Lifestyle Class

Join us for this 6-week class focused on becoming more securely attached to God. This class is excellent for those wanting to mature in their relationships and continue their healing […]

RezArts Festival Exhibit

Come to the RezArts Festival Exhibit, our church-wide celebration of creativity with the Lord, Saturday, Jan. 29, 2-4pm in our narthex. (Enter by the south entrance). You'll enjoy an exhibit […]

RezCollege Dinner

Join us over good food as Deacon Will shares his thoughts on dating and on Rez’s premarital process. All college-age students welcome! Sunday, January 30, 5-7pm, at the Pattons' home, 715 […]


Couples Communication Class

All couples are invited to our popular conflict course focused on improving communication and handling tension. Excellent for couples who are seriously dating, engaged, or married, no matter how long. […]

Diaper Outreach at Christ Tabernacle Church

Volunteer with Christ Tabernacle Church on Saturday, 2/12, 10:00am-3:00pm, to distribute diapers and other baby supplies to struggling mothers & families in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago. The diaper outreach will be […]

Prayer & Worship Night

Anyone is invited to our Prayer and Worship Night on Saturday, Feb. 12, from 7-8:30pm. Join us for this informal time to seek the Lord's face together, similar to our […]

Disability and the Church

We are excited to welcome Dan Vander Plaats from Elim Christian Services as he invites us into a deeper engagement with people impacted by disability. We'll hear from those in our church who have experience with disability and learn how we can better live out our calling as the body of Christ together. The event […]

Help Set Up the Baby Bank Warehouse

We are in need of these Baby Bank supplies: Size 6 diapers and Enfamil formula. Come help set up a permanent space for the Rez Baby Bank in the warehouse. *Please note […]

College Dinner

All college-age students are invited to dinner on Sunday, February 27, 5-7pm.  Come enjoy food and fellowship, plus a short teaching on Lent by Deacon Will. Location: The Longhursts' home, 1118 […]

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday,  we mark Jesus’ entrance into the wilderness for 40 days before Easter. We turn our attention to Jesus and enter a time of self-examination and repentance. Join […]

Praying with Scripture Workshop

Jumpstart your Lent with this practical workshop that will give you tools to get started with the spiritual practice of Praying with Scripture.  This year's Rez Lent devotional features Praying […]

College Prayer Retreat

Join us for an all day interactive Lenten prayer retreat on Saturday, March 19, led by Deacon Will and Deacon Val in Mundelein, IL. We will carpool from Resurrection up […]

RezArts Create Space

Are you longing to work on that poem, drawing, or song that's been in your head? Would you like to get to know other creative types?  Come to RezArts: Create […]

Immanuel Journaling Workshop

Learn to listen and speak to God through Immanuel journaling, a practice grounded in Scripture, spiritual disciplines, and neuroscience. This one-session workshop is based on the book Joyful Journey: Listening to God, which will be available for $10 at the class. You'll learn the key steps and hear from others' experiences.  Thursday. March 24, 7:00-8:30pm. […]

Meet Emily

You are invited to an info session with Emily, whom we will be sending out this summer to work with refugees in the Middle East. Hear from Emily about her […]

Aviva Mexican Dinner

Tacos, tamales, pozole (corn soup)...yum! Our friends from Aviva Wheaton, one of our diocesan sister churches, have invited us to a homecooked Mexican dinner celebration with games and music on Saturday, May 14, 6-8pm* in RezCafe. The cost is $10 a meal for each person. RSVP and purchase your meal(s) by Friday, May 13 here. *The correct time […]

RezArts Create Space

Are you longing to work on that poem, drawing, or song that’s been in your head? Would you like to get to know other creative types? Come to RezArts: Create Space on Sunday, May 15, 1-3pm.  Meet other artists and enjoy time to work on your own creative project. We'll gather at tables on the south […]

Summer Cookout for Twenty-somethings

Find food, fun, and fellowship at the Rez Summer Cookout for twenty-somethings on Friday, June 24, 5:30-7:30pm on our north lawn. Come hang out, enjoy grilled burgers and hotdogs, a corn […]

Vestry Candidates Approval Meeting

Our vestry is an elected leadership team of church members that provide direction and accountability for our resources. Join us on Sunday, June 26, 12:15-12:45pm, for our vestry approval meeting. […]

Tom Schiavone Memorial Celebration

Please join us for a brief internment service at St Michael Cemetery, 1109 Warrenville Rd., Wheaton 60187, on Saturday, July 9th at 11:30am.* A special celebration lunch will immediately follow […]