Parents and caregivers of families impacted by disability are invited to our THRIVE support group on Sunday, June 9. Join us after the 2nd service upstairs in the Acts 1 […]
Registration is open for RezKids Vacation Bible School this June 10-14, 9:30am-12pm, for grades 1-6 (fall 2024). Spots are limited! (Families are invited to an optional bring-your-own-picnic on the south […]
Find inspiration, encouragement, and fellowship among other creatives at the RezArts Meeting on Sunday, June 23, 4-6pm. Ages 18 and older. Bring your creative work to share: songs, poems, performances, […]
Come to the annual church business meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 6:30-8pm. You'll hear testimonies from our new vestry candidates and learn about the new church budget. Members will approve the new vestry candidates. Location: Sanctuary. Learn more here.
Enjoy playing board games? Want to meet more folks at Rez? Join us on the 4th Fridays of the month, 6-9pm. All are welcome to this family-friendly event. Bring your own snacks. Location: upstairs, St. Gregory Room. Questions? Contact
Celebrate Dean Steve! Join us for a potluck picnic on June 30, 12:30-2:30pm. We'll celebrate Fr. Steve's leadership as our dean for the past four years. Resurrection will provide the main course and dessert, and you bring the sides. Please bring a picnic blanket or chairs.