Palm Sunday Services: 8:30 and 11am

Take part in a celebratory outdoor procession that mirrors Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Enjoy a Gospel reading that foretells coming events. Please plan to arrive early and dress for the […]

Good Friday Events & Services

Confessions: 11am-12pm, upstairs offices Meet with a pastoral leader who will lead you through a brief liturgy. Anyone is welcome, including children accompanied by a parent. Stations of the Cross: […]

The Great Vigil of Easter: Prayer Walk 9:45-11pm

At 9:45pm, following the Light and Lessons 7pm service, join us for an outdoor prayer walk and processional to commence the All-Night Prayer Vigil, leaving from the narthex. Dress for […]

The Great Vigil of Easter: All Night 11pm – 5am

Saturday, 11pm to Sunday, 5am, in the sanctuary Wait and watch with the Church through the night of Holy Saturday with worship, Easter Vigil Scriptures, preaching, and extended time for […]

Easter Sunday Services: 6am & 10am

Easter Sunday services: 6am & 10am Encounter Jesus at our joyful celebration of his resurrection! A continuation of the Vigil services begun the day before, our Easter morning services have […]