Palm Sunday Services: 8:30 and 11am
Take part in a celebratory outdoor procession that mirrors Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Enjoy a Gospel reading that foretells coming events. Please plan to arrive early and dress for the […]
Take part in a celebratory outdoor procession that mirrors Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Enjoy a Gospel reading that foretells coming events. Please plan to arrive early and dress for the […]
Confessions: 11am-12pm, upstairs offices Meet with a pastoral leader who will lead you through a brief liturgy. Anyone is welcome, including children accompanied by a parent. Stations of the Cross: […]
Light and Lessons: 2pm and 7pm Our journey begins in candlelight as the ancient Exsultet chant ushers us into the Old Testament story of salvation history, presented through theater and […]
At 9:45pm, following the Light and Lessons 7pm service, join us for an outdoor prayer walk and processional to commence the All-Night Prayer Vigil, leaving from the narthex. Dress for […]
Saturday, 11pm to Sunday, 5am, in the sanctuary Wait and watch with the Church through the night of Holy Saturday with worship, Easter Vigil Scriptures, preaching, and extended time for […]
Easter Sunday services: 6am & 10am Encounter Jesus at our joyful celebration of his resurrection! A continuation of the Vigil services begun the day before, our Easter morning services have […]