Advent Peace
Julia Damion Peace Oil on paper The second week of Advent centers on God’s peace amidst a dark and turbulent world. In our lives, peace is often overshadowed by turmoil
Julia Damion Peace Oil on paper The second week of Advent centers on God’s peace amidst a dark and turbulent world. In our lives, peace is often overshadowed by turmoil
Dear Resurrection, When our Rez Youth director Caleb Karnosh invited our students to read through the Book of Psalms during Advent/Christmas, I thought, hey, we should all do that! At
Each week of Advent a new visual artist and poet will be featured in our RezArts Gallery. These original pieces invite you into the anticipation of Christ’s coming through a
Each week of Advent a new visual artist and poet will be featured in our RezArts Gallery. These original pieces invite you into the anticipation of Christ’s coming through a
What Is Alpha? Alpha is a place to ask the big questions about life. Why am I here? Is there more to life than this? Where am I going in