In His Love Abide
by Marcia Macy
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A hymn of perseverance and resolve, inspired by John 15:1-11. A three verse hymn, In His Love Abide came from contemplating this teaching. Verse 1 reflects ‘the branch’, who is Christ and is available as the source of life. Verse 2 reflects ‘the vine’ and the choice each one has to abide. Abiding comes through a posture of humility and repentance, following words of truth, and internalizing them. Verse 3 reflects the choice to abide. One who chooses to abide realizes that while there is a cost to follow Christ, there is a greater cost to not follow him. The benefit of following far outweighs all else. The image of the vine and the branch, is a picture of abiding in Christ through obeying his commands. There is a way life is meant to be lived, and this way is a good way. This good way is realized when we act on the words of Christ, the true vine and source of all life, abiding in his love through humble obedience. As I contemplated this passage of scripture, I set out to write lyrics and music that reflected the meaning of this passage.
Verse 1: (The Vine)
In this weary world, worn by grief
Often Cold as stone
I’m a lowly traveler, passing through
Tho in life, never alone
For I cling to faith, in Jesus Christ
He, the one true vine
And source of Life
Light of Life, Jesus Christ
In His love, abide
Verse 2: (The Branch)
Tho my faith is weak, wrought with fears
Tho my ways be small
Tho my sins are great, by your grace
Please forgive them all
That I learn to live, through your sacrifice
By your words of truth
That lead to life
Words of truth, clean and right
Be my holy guide
Verse 3: (The Choice)
Narrow is the path that leads to life
As we do your will
But to leave these ways You’ve set for me
Would be harder still
For in following, Jesus Christ the Lord
I am firmly held
Nourished, healed
Healed by love, clean and right
Love of Jesus Christ
Light of Life
Love of Christ
In His Love Abide
Marcia Macy’s Rez involvement has included TI, RezGroups, Women’s ministry, & choir. She is currently completing a two year program in academic and experiential aspects of spiritual formation. She loves singing with friends, songwriting, swimming, and flower arranging.
Always Be With You
by Emily Talbott
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Look up; you have a place here. I have needed the words from this song sung over my own life, and I hope they speak to others as well. The song is built on allusions from the story of Ruth, various Advent readings, and John 15. While considering the verses from John, it occurred to me that we don’t really use the word abide for places that are “good enough for now,” or unstable. If we’re abiding we’re probably going to hang up our coat, settle in, and make our favorite soup. Ruth and Naomi find this kind of unexpected belonging through unlikely circumstances. Their story of God’s faithful provision also foreshadows Christ’s coming. May we, as they did, grow to understand what a joyful gift it is to belong and to abide in the steadfast love of God.
Look up; you have a place here
Those who were far off are gathered near
You go to the fields to glean what they leave behind
More than enough, I will provide
Cast down your bitterness
From when you thought you walked alone
At night, you ask me for a blessing
You will never ask in vain
I will always be with you
Abide in my love
Though you are pressed on every side
There will be no more gloom
I conquered death; I am alive
The dawn is breaking from on high
May your joy be full
Running over, shining through
May your love grow
To bear my blessing
Emily Talbott enjoys working as the Missions Manager at Rez and serving on various volunteer teams. She is currently occupied in defying the frigid winter gloom with anything which involves art, a cup of coffee, and good company.
Gracious Wounds
by Brielle Smith
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You yourself said it is
Not Good
To be alone
I know, I know
I cannot bear fruit
Apart from you, I hold
Winter branches, harrowed hope
What I so deeply need
Must be received
In trust
Can’t manufacture abundant love
You reach for me, I reach for you—
Refracted light, Living water
Teach me to abide
I wait in the hollow of this holy place
Bent with a blessing
Where I wrestled Grace
Even dry trees blossom
Under your gaze
So plant me in your forest
Along your river bank
I wait in the hollow of this holy place
Bent with a blessing
Where I wrestle Grace
Even dry trees blossom
Under your gaze
So plant me in your forest
I will sing your praise
Allelelu, Alleluia, God who Sees
God who plants, God who prunes,
God who stays with me
Even the sharp of your shears
Is not what it seems
Let your gracious wounds
Become my healing
Brielle Smith has found haven and much scope for sacramental imagination at Rez, where she has served in RezKids and on Eucharist team. She works as a therapist in Wheaton and finds joy seeking to express the deep, unutterable through wordsong.
Remain in the Vine (rap)
by Leo Voytenko
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“Remain in the Vine (The Rap)” began after reading John 15, when a melody came to into my mind, which I quickly recorded, and started adding instruments tracks to. Every time as I sat down with my equipment to record, I prayed that my work would be used for God’s greater glory, and slowly, the song you’re listening to now emerged. The passage from Scripture reminds us that it’s not enough just to commit to Jesus, the source of our nourishment once. Instead, we have to commit our lives to him daily, and continue to remain in him, the true vine.
Remain in the Vine!
Remain in the Vine!
Rap Verse 1
Remain in The Vine, every second in time,
Until each and every one of us meets the Divine.
Yeah we gotta stick, or we’ll become a stick,
And be severed from heaven and thrown in the pit!
But if we stay in Him, and don’t go off the way,
And keep on doing everything He says,
Then we gonna stay, yeah hip hip hooray,
‘Cause livin’ in Jesus makes us top of the game!
Remain in the Vine!
Remain in the Vine!
Rap Verse 2
Ya got your wad of cash, and you’re feelin’ good,
You feel so independent you’re like, “Who needs God,”
But if you’re severed from God, then you bear no fruit. Yo, man that ain’t wise!
Don’t be a fool.
So, stay in Jesus even when you get pruned,
Get purified by the message that He’s given you!
(Puri, puri, purified! Re, re, Remain in the Vine!)
Remain in the Vine!
Remain in the Vine!
Rap Verse 3
Yeah, remain in the Vine even when it gets hard,
When sin has driven Love far away from your heart,
We gotta stay in the Lord, yeah, this is our job, yeah.
Livin’ for Jesus, it’s a mode of thought!
And He sees our broken hearts, and He loves every part,
So let’s give a hearty thanks for the love of God,
Let’s never ever stop glorifying the Lord, in what we do,
What we say, and even in our thoughts!
Remain in the Vine!
Remain in the Vine!
Leo Voytenko, 13, has been attending Rez for seven years, and is regularly involved in RezYouth, including leading worship. His passion is writing music for the glory of God, so that others will learn about the love of Jesus.
A City Not Forsaken
by Anna Quistad
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