Follow-Up from Father Steve: Projection on Sundays

Dear Resurrection,

First of all, I want to thank each of you who shared your thoughts about projection with us. Your feedback was so gracious and constructive, and we truly appreciate it. We received several affirmations of the positive effects on our corporate worship, as well as some great thoughts on how to improve our use of projection. We are working towards addressing some of those now. I also want to thank those of you who expressed thoughtful concern about the use of technology, and I want you to know we listened and will remain very cautious.

Moving forward, we will continue to project the lyrics to worship songs. As before, liturgy and hymns will continue to be printed in the bulletin and our service structure will remain the same. However, we have learned through this season that some of our people truly need printed lyrics available. Beginning this Sunday, we will have lyric packets available at the entrances to the Sanctuary. Recognizing the value of returning to the songs we sing throughout the week, we will also include the previous Sunday’s lyrics in RezNews. Look for the “Last Week at Rez” box!

Again, thank you for your thoughtfulness and care in this process.

Father Steve

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