Easter Sunday
Christ is Risen!
Holy Week 2024
March 31
6am & 10am
Livestream: 10am only
Encounter Jesus at our joyful celebration of his resurrection! A continuation of the Vigil services begun the day before, our Easter morning services have identical liturgies. They include: the Acclamation that “Christ is Risen!”, the Holy Noise, baptisms, and the first Communion of Easter. Bring your own Easter bells to ring!
Children’s worship available for ages 0-5 at 10am only.
go to the Livestream page
Coming March 31
10:00 am
For kids
Young Children’s Video
Elementary video

“Into this glorious day!”
Original painting by Resurrection artist Janice Skivington Wood, of the Resurrected Christ, 2020. (Image copyright: Church of the Resurrection)
We have finally reached the moment that we wait for anxiously during Lent and all of Holy Week: the Easter Acclamation and the Holy Noise. The celebrant exclaims to the people: “Alleluia, Christ is risen!” And the people respond: “The Lord is risen, indeed! Alleluia!”
At this time, we shout and sing and dance as we celebrate the hope given to us all those many years ago on that first Easter Sunday morning, and we rejoice in the expectation of the return of Christ in the future. This is truly the greatest moment of the entire year.
Full of the joy of the Resurrection, we then welcome candidates for baptism at both our 6am and 10am services, and renew our own baptismal vows. We then conclude the service by celebrating the Eucharist, enjoying together the meal that makes us one with Jesus’ body and blood and unites us with the church throughout the ages. The Eucharist reminds us throughout the year of the death and resurrection of Jesus which we celebrate during Holy Week, and the first Eucharist of Easter is an especially poignant moment as it concludes our Holy Week pilgrimage.
Having walked with Jesus through the suffering, pain, and anguish of this week, the celebration of the Easter service is all the sweeter. Experiencing the weight of our sin and the cost of Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday gives us all the more reason to rejoice at Jesus’ ultimate victory. We recognize the depth of the darkness from which Jesus has saved us. We also rejoice in what we are saved for: eternal life with the Lord. Through Jesus’ final victory, the victory over death itself, we are able to be with God forever. We will not be with God simply in a metaphorical or ethereal way—no, we are promised that we will share in Jesus’ resurrection. We will be able to physically walk with Jesus in our heavenly home.
The palpable joy in this service comes from being in the presence of the Lord and is a taste of the heavenly joy we will one day experience in fullness. This service invites us to enter into this glimpse of heaven with childlike faith and to revel in the joy of being with God and in his power. Dance and proclaim that the Lord is good and that the Lord has done it: he has won the victory!
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