Holy Week Visit from the Ruchs

Dear Resurrection, 

You may be aware that Bishop Stewart and Katherine attended Resurrection’s Holy Week services. Many of us were not expecting to see them during Bp. Stewart’s voluntary leave of absence. If you’re wondering how this transpired, Fr. Steve explained how they were invited to join us during his announcements on Easter morning:

“The first time the clergy had the opportunity to connect with, sit down, and pray with the Ruchs was the afternoon of Maundy Thursday. We had just learned of Fr.  Matt and Fr. Brett’s positive COVID tests.

“We spent a long time in prayer together. We had also recently learned that Bp. Stewart had been granted the opportunity to attend diocesan churches. Because Stewart and Katherine spent extra time with us in prayer, they lost the opportunity to make their way to Minnesota to attend the service they’d planned. Our clergy felt strongly that this was the time to invite the Ruchs to join us for Holy Week. 

“Bp. Stewart wanted to make sure I communicate to you that the process is still unfolding. He desires that he and the Diocese learn everything from the Lord that they can in this season. He wants to make sure you know how much he loves you and how much he has missed you. I have communicated to Stewart and Katherine that going forward, whenever they are in town and desire to be here, they are welcome to come to Resurrection.”

As this difficult season of waiting continues, please pray with us for the Lord’s healing and justice in our midst.

You can find more information here:

Fr. Steve is on sabbatical until mid-August. If you have any questions, please email office@churchrez.org. You can contact our non-staff vestry (church board) at rezvestrymembers@gmail.com. If you would like to meet with a pastor for any reason, please email Pastoral Care Pastor meghanrobins@churchrez.org

 –Dawn Jewell
Communications Director

Photo above by Michael Johnson, occasionalmomentsofbrilliance.com


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