Meet a Shepherd

Chris Wilson
How do you currently serve with RezKids? I’m currently the host for the elementary school room during the 11am service and I help with sports activities and the fourth grade boys during RezKids Midweek. This is my third year working with RezKids – one year as the second grade shepherd and the following two years as elementary host.
Where are you from originally? I came to the area to study at Wheaton College from Raleigh, North Carolina in the fall of 2008 and have been attending Rez since spring of 2010. After graduation, I became a member and joined the RezKids team. It’s been the perfect way for me to be a part of the life of the church.
What do you do outside of Rez? I work for a certificate program in international development studies at Wheaton College called the HNGR Program. When I’m not at work or church, I like to read, play Settlers of Catan, follow my favorite sports teams (go Carolina Panthers!), and be outside. I also enjoy co-leading a Bible study for middle school boys and helping to coach a soccer team for kids, both at Glen Ellyn’s Parkside Apartments.
What is your favorite part about serving in RezKids? I love seeing the different ways that God draws each child to himself week after week. Each child is given opportunities to connect to and learn more about God in a variety of ways, whether it’s praising God through song and movement during worship time, hearing and feeling deeply the inner thoughts and emotions of biblical characters during the story time, or asking questions about what they’re learning and what it means for their lives as followers of Jesus during discussion group time. RezKids creates an environment for children in all stages of their spiritual development to deepen their roots in good soil and flourish. Seeing the growth of children after three years of working with them has been a blessing for my own spiritual journey and is a continuous source of hope.