Prayer100 Day 50 Update

Today, March 2nd, marks the 50th day of Prayer100, and I just wanted to thank you for signing up and praying during these first 50 days. We could not have made it this far without your commitment and sacrificial giving of time.

From the start, we knew that 100 days of 24/7 prayer would be stretching and challenging for us a church, but we felt that the Lord was calling us on this journey, and we stepped out in faith and obedience. When we chose the theme of “Thy Kingdom Come,” our prayer was for the kingdom of heaven to invade our church family, our city, our nation and our world—God’s will on earth, as it is in heaven.

Testimonies of answered prayers, spiritual break-throughs, prophetic words, and times of sweet fellowship in the presence of the Lord have been coming back to us, and we want to keep Prayer100’s momentum going and finish the race well. Please continue tokeep an eye on our schedule, sign up for prayer slots, and invite friends, co-workers, fellow students, ministry partners, and other churches to join us in prayer. Send us your prayer room stories at or post them on social media with the hashtag #prayer100.

About 25% of Resurrection’s members have signed up for prayer—we would love to see at least 80% of our members pray for at least one hour-long slot. We would also be overjoyed to host many brothers and sisters in Christ from the Wheaton area and around the world in prayer in All Saints Prayer Chapel. (One visitor thanked us for “prayer hospitality”—what a wonderful concept!) Consider encouraging family and friends to incorporate Prayer100 into their Lenten activities. Your prayers and promotion of Prayer100 will ensure a strong finish on Easter Sunday!

Thank you for your help, your support, and your vision that is making Prayer100 such an impactful and formative experience for our church.

See you in the prayer room!

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