Sanctity of Life
Jesus’ command to see and love “the least of these” drives our outreach at Church of the Resurrection. It compels us to care for refugees, inmates, the global poor, and the persecuted.
Jesus’ command especially drives us to protect and advocate for unborn children and their mothers, two of the most vulnerable members of our society. This includes a strong partnership with Caring Network, an organization dedicated to loving and walking beside mothers and fathers through crisis pregnancies. We distribute much-needed baby supplies to families via Operation Baby Bank, and organize advocacy and prayer on behalf of the unborn.
Join us in promoting “a culture of life” at Resurrection and in our community.
Baby Bank
Expectant mothers, especially those navigating unplanned pregnancies, need our help. Together with longtime local partner, Caring Network, we house and distribute baby supplies (such as diapers and wipes) from our church warehouse to parents in need. Due to limited supplies, parents must be referred by Caring Network.
Donate an hour of your time to pray outside an abortion clinic in Downers’ Grove. You’ll join experienced Rez volunteers to pray for expectant mothers as they struggle with pregnancy.
Year-round: Friday mornings, between 8:45-10 or 10-11 am.
Contact Michelle Lapeyre at
Parents and children are welcome. However, to ensure the safety of children, please only bring those who can be carried in baby slings or who are old enough to understand that they must keep away from the edge of the road.

March For Life
We advocate and help educate others about how to support the unborn and parents in crisis pregnancies. Our church joins many others in the annual March for Life to celebrate the sanctity of human life. This January a group of RezYouth high school students and leaders joined the national March for Life in Washington D.C. and learned from experts at a a pro-life conference.
Seeking other ways to help?
Contact Sanctity of Life Team Leader Heather Johnson