Our Staff

Marta Cedeno

Growing up I always viewed church as home. My parents both love Jesus Christ. They made it a priority that my siblings and I be welcomed into a relationship with him and his church. They taught us the good news of Christ’s redeeming work by reading the Bible, bringing us to church several times a week, and praying for us and with us. I grew up watching them serve and sacrifice as they tried to listen to the Lord and follow his will. At a very young age, I responded to God’s love, and gave my life to him.

Youth group at my home church and the relationships I developed there, coupled with strong relationships with my parents, formed my view of the church as a place of belonging in Christ. My husband Alfred and I have been a part of Church of the Resurrection since we were undergraduate students at Wheaton College, and we are raising our family in this church community.  As a Sunday Service Coordinator, I get to build up the church by ensuring all the pieces necessary for the worship services are in place, so that the focus is on God. What joy to gather together in his presence! I still see church as home; Church of the Resurrection is our home.