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Deacon Meghan Robins

I had the great privilege of being raised by missionaries, so my earliest memories are full of the love of Jesus and his Church. As I grew up on the mission field and watched my parents labor sacrificially for the Lord, I received an incredible inheritance: the gift of faith. It blossomed slowly over years of watching the way that clinging to Jesus made all of the difference, both in my family’s life and in the lives of the people who became Christians through my parent’s ministry.

That faith found a new space to expand when I came to Church of the Resurrection my sophomore year of high school. After years as a third culture kid who never quite felt like I belonged anywhere, stepping into the Anglican liturgy felt like coming home. In the years since, I have been continuously stretched and nurtured by living life in the Church.

The most notable spiritual transition I have been through recently took place thanks to the Transformation Intensive course. That eight-month journey took all of my years as a Christian and crystallized them into a breathing, intimate relationship with Jesus. The gift of faith I received from my parents has born the greatest fruit imaginable: a tangible friendship with my Savior.

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