We’re so glad you’re exploring an in-person visit to Resurrection. Hope to see you soon!
Psst….looking for the livestream? Click here!
We’re looking forward to worshiping with you! Both our 8:30 and 10:30am services include a mask-required section in the back risers of the sanctuary on the north side, near the family worship room. Masks are optional elsewhere in the building.
Service Times
Sunday Morning: 8:30am & 10:30am
These identical services are held in our Sanctuary and include musical worship, Scripture, prayer, a sermon, and Eucharist.
Both services include a mask-required section in the back of the sanctuary while at your seat. Masks are optional elsewhere in the building.
What To Expect
Our goal is to preserve a worshipful atmosphere while caring for each other, including those in our congregation who are more vulnerable to illness.
Please park anywhere around the building and enter through the North activity center, East or South entrance.
Accessible parking and entrance available on the East side of the building
Please do not attend if you or a household member are not feeling well, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
Both the 8:30 and 10:30am services include a mask-required section (covering both nose and mouth). This mask-required section is in the back risers, north side of the sanctuary, closest to the family worship room. Masks are optional elsewhere in the building, including in RezKids.
Our RezKids and children’s classrooms are open for infants through 5th grade! Find the check-in stations by the family worship room. Children must stay with a parent at all times except when checked into RezKids.
If you are regularly in close contact with another individual, couple, or family outside of Sunday mornings, we invite you to sit together as one “household.”
The seating in the Sanctuary has been adjusted to allow space for safe distancing
between households. Please allow 2 chairs between groups. Do not change seats.
Our RezKids and children’s classrooms are open for infants through 5th grade! Find the check-in stations by the family worship room.
Children must stay with a parent at all times except when checked into RezKids.