Rector Search
Find updates to our search for a new rector/dean here.
Church of the Resurrection seeks a full-time Rector to lead our congregation, clergy, and staff.
The rector is the primary leader of our church’s worship services, responsible over preaching, teaching, and administration of the sacraments. He leads the staff in fulfilling the church’s mission through their operations and hires, supervises, and terminates positions as needed. The rector sees that the resolutions of the vestry regarding the church’s business affairs are carried out. Ultimately, he is responsible to articulate and lead a vision and mission for Resurrection. Since Resurrection is also the diocesan cathedral, the rector is given the title of “Cathedral Dean.”
Amy Patton
Andrew Merrick
Search Process
The Vestry is responsible for overseeing the search process and hiring a rector by a two-thirds majority vote. The bishop provides final approval of the proposed candidate.
The Vestry aims to form a Search Committee by November, which will be composed of the Senior and Junior Warden–Amy Patton and Andrew Merrick–alongside six to ten committed and actively involved members of Resurrection. They will represent a variety of life stages and perspectives, ministry and professional backgrounds, and skills that would aid the search process, such as human resources. No staff, staff spouses, or vestry spouses will be included.
Gathering Feedback
The Search Committee will gather input from the congregation through a church-wide survey and additional feedback. They will prepare application resources and discern how they will review applications and interview candidates. The position will open to all applicants in the new year. Applications will be kept confidential to the Search Committee, Vestry, and the bishop.
Expert Support
To aid our search, the Vestry has hired Jim Singleton of Leighton Ford Ministries to coach the Search Committee through the hiring process regarding steps like our church-wide survey and interview process. His ministry in helping churches find senior leaders will save the Search Committee valuable time and enable them to focus on decision-making and discernment regarding applicants and interviews.
How long will the process take?
The Vestry anticipates the search process will take 12 to 18 months from the time the Search Committee is finalized.
What is the difference between a rector and a dean?
Since our church is the diocesan cathedral, the rector is also titled “cathedral dean.” As the Cathedral, Resurrection serves as the Mother Church of the diocese and provides headquarters for the bishop and the diocesan office.
The previous Canons of our diocese named Resurrection as the cathedral church. Our newly amended canons provide a process in which the bishop and a congregation agree to designate the cathedral under mutually agreed upon terms. Bishop Stewart and Resurrection’s leadership have done this.
What are the qualifications for a rector?
The rector must be an ordained Anglican priest, a mature Christian who meets Scriptural qualifications for a good leader (1 Timothy 3) and a proven track record of pastoral leadership. He accepts the authority of Scripture and agrees to live in godly submission to the Bishop. Only men may be ordained as priests and appointed as rectors in the Diocese of the Upper Midwest. (See the Diocesan Constitution and Canons, Title III, Canon 1, Sections 2 & 3).
Further questions? You can email the Search Committee at