
Confirmation Class

Interested in joining Resurrection? Sign up for Confirmation Class! If you want to become a member of Rez, be baptized or renew your baptismal vows, or learn about Anglicanism, this eight-week course is for you. Class meets Sunday afternoons from 4pm-5:30pm, starting October 1. Childcare provided. Sign up by October 1 here. Questions? Contact Discipleship […]


Welcome Group

Newer to Rez and want to learn more? Our five-week Welcome Group starts on Sunday, September 24. Gather with other new folks at a nearby home in a small group format to hear from our key leaders about our church’s values, interact with these values through discussion and prayer, and connect with other new folks. […]


Confirmation Class

Interested in joining Resurrection? Sign up for Confirmation Class! If you want to become a member of Rez, be baptized or renew your baptismal vows, or learn about Anglicanism, this eight-week course is for you. Class meets Sunday afternoons from 4pm-5:30pm, starting October 1. Childcare provided. Sign up by October 1 here. Questions? Contact Discipleship […]


Welcome Group

Newer to Rez and want to learn more? Our five-week Welcome Group starts on Sunday, September 24. Gather with other new folks at a nearby home in a small group format to hear from our key leaders about our church’s values, interact with these values through discussion and prayer, and connect with other new folks. […]

Harbor Chili Cook-off

Harbor (a Rez ministry for 20s & 30s) is hosting a chili cook-off on October 13th, 7-10pm. Join us for an evening of food, friends, and friendly competition! Sign up here to bring chili or a side. Address: 1118 N Scott St., Wheaton 60187 (Longhurst's Home) Questions? Email To be added to the Harbor […]

THRIVE Support Group

Parents and caregivers of families impacted by disability are invited to our THRIVE support group on October 15. Join us after the 2nd service upstairs in the Acts 1 conference room. Questions? Contact Jeff Chan:


Confirmation Class

Interested in joining Resurrection? Sign up for Confirmation Class! If you want to become a member of Rez, be baptized or renew your baptismal vows, or learn about Anglicanism, this eight-week course is for you. Class meets Sunday afternoons from 4pm-5:30pm, starting October 1. Childcare provided. Sign up by October 1 here. Questions? Contact Discipleship […]


Welcome Group

Newer to Rez and want to learn more? Our five-week Welcome Group starts on Sunday, September 24. Gather with other new folks at a nearby home in a small group format to hear from our key leaders about our church’s values, interact with these values through discussion and prayer, and connect with other new folks. […]

Caring Network Banquet

Join Fr. Matt's table for the annual Caring Network Banquet Thursday, Oct. 19th at 6 p.m. with guest speaker, Dr. Ben Carson. Caring Network, a longtime ministry partner of Resurrection, […]

Men’s Retreat

Be equipped, strengthened, and have fun at the RezMen's Retreat, October 21-22, at St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL. Register by September 21. Learn more here.

Replanted Support Group Meeting

Replanted, a national ministry to adoptive or foster care families, is meeting this Friday, October 20, 6-8pm, at Church of the Resurrection. Dinner, small groups, and childcare provided. If you’re looking for support and fellowship, please join! Questions? Email Lis Clements of Replanted at Learn more here.


Confirmation Class

Interested in joining Resurrection? Sign up for Confirmation Class! If you want to become a member of Rez, be baptized or renew your baptismal vows, or learn about Anglicanism, this eight-week course is for you. Class meets Sunday afternoons from 4pm-5:30pm, starting October 1. Childcare provided. Sign up by October 1 here. Questions? Contact Discipleship […]