RezArts Festival Gallery Exhibit

Come and invite your friends to the Gallery Exhibit of original paintings, drawings, writings and music by artists at Resurrection! Dozens of artists, amateur and professional alike, have created new pieces based on this year’s RezArts Festival theme, John 15:1-8. Discover how the Lord has worked in our children, youth, and adults as they offered […]


First Step Class for Newcomers

New to Rez? Come to First Step, a two-part introduction for newcomers, designed to help you connect with leaders, hear more of Resurrection’s story and values, and get to know other new folks. Join us on Sunday, January 21 and 28, during the 10:30 service, upstairs in the office hospitality area. No sign-up necessary!

What Does It Really Mean to Be Pro-Life?

In light of today’s political climate, the Church needs creative, loving, biblically-rooted ways to think through and live out our pro-life convictions. Learn from four stellar speakers from different perspectives–a […]

Get Involved with Light and Lessons

Light and Lessons in Holy Week is a great opportunity to use your creative gifts in the church. Here are ways to participate: 1. Audition to be part of the acting troupe. Auditions will be held on Sunday, January 28: Children’s auditions for grades 1-6 will be held 1-3 pm. Sign up here. Adult auditions […]



Who is Jesus, really? Join us at Alpha as together we enjoy good food, a short film, and honest discussion. It's okay, not to be okay, at Alpha. Thursdays from […]

Worship and Healing Prayer

Join us for a night of worship and healing prayer on Thursday, February 1, 7-9pm, in the sanctuary. Feel free to invite your friends! If you attended a healing prayer workshop, this is a great opportunity to put into practice what you have learned about praying for and with others.  



Who is Jesus, really? Join us at Alpha as together we enjoy good food, a short film, and honest discussion. It's okay, not to be okay, at Alpha. Thursdays from […]

Harbor Trivia Night

Harbor, a Rez ministry for 20s & 30s, is hosting a trivia night at Rez on Friday, February 9, at 7pm. Join us upstairs in the St. Gregory Room for team trivia and snacks! Bring a snack to share and invite your friends. Address: 935 W Union Ave, Wheaton, IL 60187 (Church of the Resurrection) […]

Ash Wednesday Services and Confessions

Join us as for Ash Wednesday service as we embark on Lent, the 40-day season before Easter. Join us for services at 7am, 12pm, or 7pm in the sanctuary. Childcare will be available for infants through age 5 at the 7pm service only. Confessions with a pastoral staff member or trained prayer minister are available […]


Lent Morning Prayer

Begin your day with morning prayer during Lent, weekdays, 7am, in All Saints Prayer Chapel. Thursdays will include a choral ensemble.



Who is Jesus, really? Join us at Alpha as together we enjoy good food, a short film, and honest discussion. It's okay, not to be okay, at Alpha. Thursdays from […]


Lent Morning Prayer

Begin your day with morning prayer during Lent, weekdays, 7am, in All Saints Prayer Chapel. Thursdays will include a choral ensemble.