Lent Morning Prayer
Begin your day with morning prayer during Lent, weekdays, 7am, in All Saints Prayer Chapel. Thursdays will include a choral ensemble.
Begin your day with morning prayer during Lent, weekdays, 7am, in All Saints Prayer Chapel. Thursdays will include a choral ensemble.
Begin your day with morning prayer during Lent, weekdays, 7am, in All Saints Prayer Chapel. Thursdays will include a choral ensemble.
Who is Jesus, really? Join us at Alpha as together we enjoy good food, a short film, and honest discussion. It's okay, not to be okay, at Alpha. Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm, upstairs. Learn more here. Questions? Contact Pastoral Resident Nephtali Matta nephtalimatta@churchrez.org
Begin your day with morning prayer during Lent, weekdays, 7am, in All Saints Prayer Chapel. Thursdays will include a choral ensemble.
Enjoy playing board games? Want to meet more folks at Rez? Join us on the 4th Fridays of the month, 6-9pm. All are welcome to this family-friendly event. Bring your own snacks. Location: upstairs, St. Gregory Room. Questions? Contact andrew.merrick51395@gmail.com
Services at 8:30am and 11am. Livestream: 11 am only. Take part in a celebratory outdoor procession that mirrors Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Enjoy a Gospel reading that foretells coming events. Please plan to arrive early and dress for the weather. Children’s worship available for ages 0–5th grade. Parents, please check children into RezKids before the […]
Join us at 7pm as we follow Jesus and his disciples the night before he was crucified and remember him through Communion and footwashing. Childcare available for ages 0-5. Livestream […]
Confessions: 11am-12pm Meet with a pastoral leader who will lead you through a brief liturgy. Anyone is welcome, including children. Upstairs offices. No sign-up required. Stations of the Cross: 12pm […]
Light and Lessons services: 2pm & 7pm (sanctuary) Our journey begins in candlelight as the ancient Exultet chant ushers us into the Old Testament story of salvation history, presented through […]
Services at 6am & 10am Encounter Jesus at our joyful celebration of his resurrection! A continuation of the Vigil services begun the day before, our Easter morning services have identical […]
Parents of families impacted by disability are invited to our THRIVE support group on Sunday, April 7. Join us after the 2nd service upstairs in the Acts 1 conference room. […]
Join us for this six-week class offering training for those who want to increase their ability to recognize and experience God's presence, grow in intimacy with Him, deepen and mature […]