“God can’t contain his goodness and joy; it explodes in his creativity of the world,” said our Deacon John Clark. These truths are evident in the uniqueness and beauty of each bloom of a flower or falling snowflake, and the diversity of creatures and people he creates. Like our Creator, our DNA contains creative gifts. Author J.R. Tolkien calls us “sub-creators,” made to create alongside the Lord, in order to serve him, one another, and our world.
We Anglicans hold a sacramental worldview, believing that God uses his creation to communicate his saving grace to us. As “sub-creators,” artists are able to convey spiritual truths in ways that sermons cannot. Music, poems, and paintings can express our deepest feelings and longings, touching the human soul in ways that nurture and deepen our faith.
Resurrection has a long history and appreciation of the arts, thanks to Bishop Stewart’s repeated call for artists to communicate gospel truths to our culture.
We resound this invitation to harness your creative talents and convey God’s truths and his saving grace to our broken world.
We are continuing to develop opportunities for artists to enjoy mutual encouragement, gain inspiration, and employ their creative talents to bless the Body of Christ and beyond.
Artists of all genres are welcome to monthly meetings of RezArtists for encouragement and inspiration.
Musicians are invited to participate in seasonal choirs, and audition for service preludes and postludes, and music team.
Performing artists often have opportunities to get involved in the Easter Vigil. Production members are invited to serve on the tech team and/or especially for Christmas Eve and Holy Week.
Visual artists are invited to submit pieces for consideration to the rotating RezArts gallery. Writers, visual artists, and musicians of all ages and levels of experience are invited to participate in the annual RezArts Festival.
Artists are invited to monthly meetings on the fourth Sunday of most months for inspiration, mutual encouragement, and fellowship among other creatives at the monthly RezArtists meeting for ages 18 and older.
Bring your creative work to share briefly and receive input: songs, poems, performances, or visual works. Feel free to invite a fellow artist from outside the church. Led by Rez artist Janice Wood.
Location: Janice Wood’s home, 811 Grove Avenue, West Chicago
Questions? Contact: Janice at jayjanwood@gmail.com.

Janice Wood
Janice Skivington Wood is an illustrator, former art teacher, and painter. She has collaborated with various artists to develop liturgical art that adorns Resurrection, including the large Jesus icon, the great doors, paintings depicting Old Testament scenes in the narthex, and more. She and her husband Jay live in West Chicago.
Jumpstart your creativity on Wednesday, January 11, 6:30-8:00 or 8:30pm.
Try a workshop in visual arts, devotional poetry writing, or worship song writing.
RSVP below.
Devotional Poetry Writing
Discover how to enrich your devotional life by writing poetry. You’ll learn new tools and practices for engaging with Scripture by penning your own poetry. This workshop will include hands-on writing time, as well as the opportunity for small group sharing and mutual encouragement. Minimum age: high school. This workshop concludes at 8:30pm.
Facilitator: Andrew S. Backer enjoys writing poetry devotionally and finds it a place to witness the beauty of the Lord and respond in worship. He is currently pursuing a Masters in Higher Education and Student Development at Wheaton College.
Assistant Facilitator: Helen Wieger enjoys creative writing and has been nurturing a group of creatives for the last several years. She leans toward penning poetry and creative prose.
Visual Arts
Janice Skivington Wood is a painter, illustrator, and former art teacher. She has collaborated with various artists to develop liturgical art that adorns Resurrection, including the large Jesus icon, the great doors, paintings depicting Old Testament scenes in the narthex, and more.
Emily Verdoorn uses anything from pen and pencil to teabags, inks, thread, or homemade dyes to explore the world of her everyday life. Her work often begins like a quiet conversation with places, spaces and the natural world.
Worship Song-Writing
Find inspiration, insights, and tips for sparking your creativity in these resources:
Other Resources on Art and Theology
“A Letter to A Young Artist” by Makoto Fujimura
“On Unnecessarily Owning Art” by Karen Stiller
Christians in the Visual Arts
Rembrandt Is in the Wind: Learning to Love Art through the Eyes of Faith by Russ Ramsey
Faith and Art: A theology of making by Makoto Fujimura
Placemaking and the Arts: Cultivating the Christian Life by Jennier Allen Craft
The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggemann
Walking on Water: Reflections on faith and art by Madeleine L’Engle
Adorning the Dark: Thoughts on community, calling and the mystery of making by Andrew Peterson
The Mind of the Maker by Dorthy Sayers
You’re Included- Music & Theology by Jeremy Begbie