What's Sunday Like?

We’re so glad you’re exploring a visit to Resurrection. Hope to see you soon!

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We teach the Bible


Latest Sermon

Bp. Stewart Ruch III



More than just listening—we invite you to see, touch, taste, smell, and move.



Receive personal prayer for anything in your life, no matter how big or small—both on Sunday and during the week.


Church of the Resurrection

935 W Union Ave Wheaton, IL

935 W Union Ave
Wheaton, IL

We’re a few blocks away from downtown Wheaton, nestled near the beautiful Lincoln Marsh! Our building is a retrofitted plastics factory. Cool, huh? 

Psst! Check out a recent order of service right here!

The 8:30am and 10:30am services are identical, and run for 90 minutes. They happen in our main sanctuary, which seats about 800 people. You’ll see our Welcome Team waiting outside the sanctuary doors to answer any questions!

Our services are participatory—there’s beautiful things to smell (like incense, flowers, and freshly baked bread), listen to, see, and even eat (see: bread). We follow a structured “liturgy,” a word that describes a series of written prayers, songs, and readings shared by everyone.

We sing, read from the Bible, hear a teaching, and eat and drink the aforementioned bread and wine (don’t worry, there’s juice for kids!) in a celebration called “communion.” We continue to sing and pray, and everyone has the opportunity to receive prayer from trained prayer ministers if they so desire.

(And after the 8:30 am service, there’s coffee. Because, 8:30am.) 

We have designated visitor spaces available close to the east entrance. Approach the church on W Union Ave., and turn right directly in front of the large wooden sign. The spaces will be the first ones on the right.

The church  has a wraparound parking lot surrounding its building that may be accessed from W Union or Lincoln. We also have parking directly across W Union St, by the train tracks.

Whatever is comfortable for you, whether it’s a suit or sweatpants you prefer. You’ll see people dressed up and people in blue jeans. Sometimes our teenagers don’t wear shoes… It really doesn’t matter!

We LOVE kids—in fact, kids make up nearly one-third of our church! Children from birth-5th grade are welcome to participate in our children’s ministry, called RezKids, or to accompany you into the service! (There’s also a Family room connected to the sanctuary for nursing mothers or kiddos who need to run around a bit. It’s real.)

All children are picked up one hour into the service so that they may participate in communion in the main service with their families. 

RezKids check-in opens 10 minutes prior to the service. Kiosks are located by the Family Room (next to our Main Sanctuary) and outside of the RezKids Worship Room (look for the RezKids sign). Ask anyone with a name tag to help point the way!

Special Needs: We want to make it possible for every child to participate. If your child has special needs, please contact Emily Pacchioli at emily@churchrez.org.

>> Learn more about our kids ministry.

Historically, Anglicans trace our roots to the Protestant reformation in England. Godly leaders sought to reform England’s catholic faith through the renewal of its worship. Then, when America was colonized, the Anglican faith came over the Atlantic, too—and when America declared independence from England, the Anglican church also separated from the state church of England. 

Today, orthodox Anglicanism is alive in the U.S. through the Anglican Church in North America. Anglicanism is a way of being “merely Christian” within Jesus’ holy church: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. We recognize the Bible as our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. We use a time-tested pattern of worship that has served the church for thousands of years. We’re part of a worldwide family of churches that support and challenge one another in the unity of the Spirit. Some folks ask, So are you Protestant or Catholic? We think of ourselves as Reformed Catholics: holding on to the riches of ancient faith while also receiving the necessary correctives of the Reformation. 

Want to learn more? Take our First Step class.

Don’t see your question answered below? Start a chat with our staff.

  • Children
  • Students
  • Adults

On Sundays, children from birth–5th grade are invited to play, sing, and learn together in a safe, fun environment designed just for them!


Check-in is available 10 minutes to the service start time, and is located in the Family Worship Room (next to our Main Sanctuary) and outside of the RezKids WorshipRoom (look for the RezKids sign).

All children are picked up approximately one hour into the service so that they may participate in communion in the main service.

The safety and care of your child by our trained and screened volunteers is our number one priority. Children will receive a name tag at the check-in station, and must wear the nametag in order to enter their classroom. The caregiver will keep the matching tag to show the room leader at pick-up, and will receive a pager in case he or she is needed.

Kevin Sheehan
Childrens Pastor